viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2012

Discovering the promised land

What a wonderful name for such a spare evening. Yeap,I've just discovered the Promise Land.Maybe you wonder why.Well, to be sure, since I'm listening to one of the best groups of hard rock I've ever heard, GRAVEYARD.
Indeed, the name itself writes down the ways. These guys are from Gothenburg, Sweeden . Although they sound like a psychedelic rock band from 70s,this band was formed in 2006 after having made up of Norrsken (etimologically speaking, aurora borealish in Swedish), another swedish hard rockband, in this case founded in 1995. As I already said, Graveyard sounds great,with high quality as well as past influences of classic rock that surely will make you believe you're dealing with a group from 70s. Three albums have been realesed up to now: Graveyard in 2007,Hisingen Blues in 2011 and last but not least, Lights Out this very year. For some people,the fact that this group play a sound so classic is sacrilegious.Yet, I consider it is worth to listen to. To begin with, I should recommend to you any theme from the first album: Lost In confusion, Evil Ways or Thin Line Apart from this cool band, you may take a look on the following ones:Norrsken-Little Lady;Psychedeliever with this theme and brutal lyrics; and not to mention those Dopethrone and its Cosecha de sangre or WO FAT ( //,Greenleaf and its Lilith,Skånska Mord and "Dark Caves Of Our Mind" and finally, you should end up listening to Hyne I hope you'll enjoy. MAy the force be with you and your pets

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